Volunteer Spotlight – Angela Boyd

Volunteer Spotlight - Angela Boyd

First Mid is honored to recognize Angela Boyd, Training Manager, as our Volunteer Spotlight for June 2024. Angela is committed to supporting local community organizations through volunteerism, consistently demonstrating our core values.

What causes are you passionate about supporting through volunteerism? My volunteer efforts have evolved over time. Early on, I was involved with local Chambers of Commerce, Main Street Revitalization, Relay For Life, Big Brothers Big Sisters, This Able Veteran, and the Parent Teacher Organization at my son’s school. Later, I helped with fundraising events for organizations like 100 Men Who Cook, Chef Clash, and the Southern Illinois Hospital Foundation Gala, which raised funds for a new cancer care center.

Currently, I participate in Bowl for Kids’ Sake with my work team, benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters. As a remote team, this event brings us together. I also serve as the Board Chair for the Union County CEO Program, which teaches high school juniors and seniors entrepreneurship. This immersive program offers real-life learning experiences, and I find it incredibly rewarding to see students grow in confidence and skills throughout the year.

What would you tell others who are thinking about volunteering? I started volunteering in college with my sorority to make friends, not realizing the opportunities it would bring. Volunteering has helped me meet many people and opened doors to unique experiences. For example, I became a Guardian on a Southern Illinois Veterans Honor Flight, an unforgettable honor and experience of a lifetime.

Volunteering is fun and rewarding, and you can choose what you enjoy. I encourage everyone to find a passion and start. Whether solo, with a friend, or with family, there are countless ways to help our communities. From joining events like Bowl for Kids’ Sake or Relay For Life to serving on a nonprofit board or helping at a church or school, volunteering makes a difference, one small step at a time.

Martin Luther King, Jr. sums it up well: “Everyone can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve…you don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

What are ways that you think others can get involved? I am grateful to work at First Mid, which supports and encourages volunteering. Every employee is given paid volunteer time annually. I encourage my fellow employees to find something you enjoy and use it! It’s a great opportunity to meet people, make a difference, and feel good in your heart. The next time you get an email to join a bowling team, participate in a walk event, bag food at the food pantry, or other volunteer effort, sign up. You won’t regret it!

Congratulations, Angela, on being featured as a Volunteer Spotlight! We are honored to showcase the impact you have on your community. First Mid is proud to support your volunteer efforts.

To read about our other employee spotlights, click here.