Volunteer Spotlight – Nicole Blackburn

Volunteer Spotlight - Nicole Blackburn

First Mid is honored to recognize Nicole Blackburn, Assistant Manager Branch Support, as our Volunteer Spotlight for July 2024. Nicole is committed to supporting local community organizations through volunteerism, consistently demonstrating our core values.

What causes are you passionate about supporting through volunteerism? I am passionate about supporting causes that give back to youth in the community. Volunteering allows me to be there for young people, celebrating their triumphs and helping them navigate their losses. It’s incredibly fulfilling to guide them in processing a wide range of emotions in a healthy way. By being present and supportive, I can positively impact their lives, fostering resilience and growth. The joy of seeing their successes and being a part of their journey is what drives my commitment to volunteering.

What would you tell others who are thinking about volunteering? Get out and see what is needed in the community you are in. Remember the people who were there to help those activities run smoothly when you were a kid and how much their support meant to you. Volunteering offers a chance to be that supportive presence for others, contributing to the well-being and growth of your community. By stepping up and getting involved, you can make a meaningful difference and experience the fulfillment that comes from giving back.

What are ways that you think others can get involved? Start by checking out local events and teams within the community, including schools and churches. These organizations are always in need of volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of youth. Whether it’s coaching a sports team, assisting with school programs, or helping out at community events, there are countless opportunities to contribute your time and skills. By getting involved, you can help shape the future of young people and strengthen the community as a whole.

Congratulations, Nicole, on being featured as a Volunteer Spotlight! We are honored to showcase the impact you have on your community. First Mid is proud to support your volunteer efforts. To read our other employee spotlights, click here.